Monday, November 15, 2010

h'okay, so. here's the earth.. just chillin'...

i kinda dropped off the face of.. the internet... hypothetically.
fancy phones make it impossible to truly get away from the internet
not that i was really trying
it's more so my lack of effort to access a computer
and do internetty things such that require more than a phone to accomplish
i.e. blogging

i have yet to post a single thing about the House on the Rock, Gathering of the Gods weekend.
i will.
i promise.
i just. i need the energy to properly describe something so vastly amazing...
it just requires a little more sleep, or possibly caffeine - neither which i have enough of at the moment
and also for me to finally pay attention to how this danged macbook works and resize photos so as not to take up 5 screens worth just for one image
that might also be blamed on my lack of reading the manual for my camera
either way, the result is the same
point being, to give credit to the glorious weekend that was HotR, i need to be at my best
and right now... i am on the verge of sinking into my bed...

so other, less important things.
i finally replaced my copy of Bulfinch's Mythology [The Complete Texts]
not that any of you knew it was missing.
i erroneously loaned it out to a not so trustworthy coworker. wah.
but. excitement.
arrived just in time, too, because i just finished Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
dear couple i sat next to, the first night at HotR
THANK YOU for recommending this book to me. i am HOOKED.
i can't wait for the next one.

other things i am in the process of replacing?
my macbook battery.
probably the BIGGEST cause of my not doing computery type things
is because if i unplug my macbook it dies completely and loses everything
which, although a magnetic power cord is a great idea, it is also HORRID
as it easily bumps and jiggles and causes macbooks with dead batteries to lose everything currently going on.

with that i think i shall bring my rambling to an end.
and quite possibly snuggle up to a pillow, and a penguin, and an electric blanket

OH. one more thing.
i gave my dad, and my mom's "little sister" [from big brother, sister] both books for All Hallow's Read.

[also, for anyone who isn't sure what my title is about, go here. if you don't laugh at least once, we are probably horribly incompatible.]