blog more often, but shorter amounts?
could this possibly be the proper equation?
i could say 'we shall see..' but that is assuming i will have the right motivation
so, really, in all honesty what i really should say is 'we shall see, if we shall see...'
or something.
i think i hurt my brain a little bit.
anyways, smooshedy car:
from the front it looks like it's missing its front tooth :-/
supposedly it'll done on wednesday?
possibly another 'we shall see' moment...
at least i get updates!
one of many reasons why i should not be a parent:
[i partake in torture methods.]
although, i DID debate getting my own set of antlers in order to match?
[as if that's any nicer to her, haha]
lately i have been mildly, and i do mean MILDLY, trying to contact matthew gray gubler.
via twitter.
yes, i have a mild [okay more than mild] crush on him.
i admit this.
but it is possible to to have hope without expectation
and that is exactly what this is
i would hope that one day i might win!
to get a reply.. so to say...
or even [gasp] a whole conversation
but i don't expect to
he's got such a charming [online] personality that i'm sure he's bogged down will millions of fangirls [and boys?] blowing up his twitter, email and whatever else may exist as means of pestering him
i'm not special, i'm just a "normal" girl.
lady? ha. no we'll stick with girl.
[normal is debatable - as if normal truly exists.. but that's for another day. or never.]
anyways, point is, i'm realistic.
for those of you who don't know who i'm talking about
i'll give you something to reference
although i'm not sure which picture is my favourite...

anyway, i digress
the whole point of bringing this up
was that i've noticed
i tend to find.. solace? comfort?
in things that are more tangible in theory, than reality...
things that are near impossible to obtain...
and i'm not sure what to make of that...
[so much for more often and SHORTER. ha.]
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