Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Seriously. Where Are The Dinosaurs Hiding?

Well, then.
I haven't been dreaming as vividly the past few days, so I don't have as much to write about as far as my dreams go.

But I was thinking on it, and perhaps I still am dreaming.
Because I'm pretty sure these things don't happen in reality.
Or at least not my reality.
Though if I'm dreaming, I think I might be okay with staying asleep.

However, I digress.

I had my little moment on the pedestal, regarding proper dates and the like.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind doing the work.
I think a guy should be worth fighting for.
But it's also a two-way street.

A street that I don't seem to be on, often.
This isn't a ploy for pity. I may not have found a knight in shining armour, but that doesn't lessen the people I've met or the experiences I've had.
I've just always wanted to.. see what's on the other side of the wall, I guess.

Obviously past boyfriends and... etc, have left something to be desired given my current situation.
But that doesn't mean they were entirely at fault.

Quite frankly, as much as I'd like to be fought for, I'm not sure I'm worth the fight.
I'd like to think I am.. so.. moreso I'm just worried that I'm not, I guess.
I'd hate for someone to go to all the effort to "woo" me, and then be like.. "...the fuck is this?"
I don't want to be the human equivalent of a Cracker Jack box.

That being said, yesterday completely baffled me.
In a good way.
I think.
But now I am completely and utterly disoriented, because these sorts of things don't happen.

So I'm just waiting for the dinosaurs to come out and start attacking folks.
Then I'd know for sure I was dreaming.
And it would all make sense.

Until then, just ignore the crossbow and grenades I'm carrying.
They're not for you, they're for the 'raptors.

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